(current list of invited speakers)
Dr. Ko Ayusawa
Prof. Woojin Chung
Korea University, Korea
Prof. Emel Demircan
California State University Long Beach, USA
Prof. Mitsuhiro Hayashibe
Tohoku University
Prof. Tetsunari Inamura
National Institute of Informatics
Prof. Hideki Kadone
University of Tsukuba
Dr. Hiroshi Kaminaga
Mitsuo Komagata
University of Tokyo
Prof. Dana Kulić
Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dongheui Lee
Technical University of Munich, Germany
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Prof. Sungon Lee
Hanyang University, Korea
Prof. Ranjan Mukherjee
Michigan State Univesity, USA
Prof. Akihiko Murai
Prof. Milutin Nikolić
University of Tokyo / University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dr. Shingo Shimoda
Prof. Takahiro Suzuki
Tohoku University
Prof. Wataru Takano
Osaka University
Prof. Gentiane Venture
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Prof. Ko Yamamoto
University of Tokyo
Dr. Katsu Yamane
Honda Research Institute, USA
Prof. Pham Quang Cuong
NTU and Eureka Robotics, Singapore
Dr. Tomomichi Sugihara
Preferred Networks, Japan
Dr. Yasuyuki Watanabe
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan