Probably it is safe to say that the very first academic symposium on robotics was born in Udine, Italy in 1976 as the first symposium of Romansy of IFToMM. The biannual symposium was in Udine in July 2010 as the 18th symposium. In early days, the symposia in Udine were always at the same small room in CISM, International Center for Machine Science, which is easily filled by only 30 participants. The chandelier must have seen the enthusiastic days. Udine had only a few information in a tourism book including the bell tower on top of which two Moors strike a bell. A small medieval city characterized by Islamic, East-European, and of course Italian cultures was where robotics was born.
Udine, where Robotics Symposium was born.
Probably it is safe to say that the very first academic symposium on robotics was born in Udine, Italy in 1976 as the first symposium of Romansy of IFToMM. The biannual symposium was in Udine in July 2010 as the 18th symposium. In early days, the symposia in Udine were always at the same small room in CISM, International Center for Machine Science, which is easily filled by only 30 participants. The chandelier must have seen the enthusiastic days. Udine had only a few information in a tourism book including the bell tower on top of which two Moors strike a bell. A small medieval city characterized by Islamic, East-European,…
July 11, 2010