Fig.1 Behavior Capture System
Many motion capture systems are commercially available. In particular, passive optical motion capture systems are widely used in biomechanics and computer graphics fields thanks to there high precision and low disturbance. However, none of the current systems allow us to access the internal data in real time. In addition, ground force sensor is the only device that can be used simultaneously with motion capture systems.
Our research focuses on the development of the following two systems:
- a passive optical motion capture system capable of measuring the joint angles in real time.
- the behavior capture system, which can obtain data from multiple devices including motion capture, force plate, and eye-mark recorder.

- K. Kurihara, S. Hoshino, K. Yamane, and Y. Nakamura: "Optical Motion Capture System with Pan-Tilt Camera Tracking and Realtime Data Processing," Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.1241-1248, Washington DC, May 2002.

Awards, Patents

Katsu Yamane, Tomofumi Kuroda, Kazutaka Kurihara, Shoji Okamoto
Shin-ichiro Hoshino, Ichiro Suzuki, Kiyoyuki Fujihara, Akinobu Seri