![]() The 11th Advanced Mechanism Control Symposium and the 11th YNOYT Lab Reunion
Date: 2/17-18/2012 (Fri.-Sat.) Location:The University of Tokyo Hongo Campus, Tokyo Japan Engineering 2 Building and the Gotenshita Memorial Arena The 11th Advanced Mechanism Control Symposium and the 11th YNOYT Lab Reunion are organized, for the first time, with the Robotics Laboratory of Seoul National University. The first joint robotics workshop between Robotics, Dynamics, and Control Laboratory (Prof. Y. Nakamura and Prof. W. Takano) of the University of Tokyo and Robotics Laboratory (Prof. F.C. Park) of Seoul National University was planned to exchange the most updated research results in the informal and friendly style to stimulate discussions of all the participants, in particular, of students of the both universities. The whole program welcomes the members of the both laboratories and the alumni of the laboratory of the University of Tokyo. All the participants are requested to sign NDA. The program includes the sports workshop for the participants at the Gotenshita Gymnasium of the University of Tokyo on February 17th and the full-day technical workshop on February 18th. The banquet and the YNOYT lab reunion is on February 18th at Brasserie Paul Bocuse le Musee, inside the National Art Center, Tokyo. * * * * * * * * Workshop Program * * * * * * * * Date: 2/17/2012 (Fri.) 12:30 - 18:00 Location: The Gotenshita Memorial Arena 12:30 - 13:30 Registration 13:30 - 15:30 Games of Futsal, Basketball, and Table Tennis (Bring appropriate cloths and clean sports shoes.) 16:00 - 18:00 Celebrating Winners (1000 yen/person) * * * * * * * * Technical Workshop * * * * * * * * Date: 2/18/2012 (Sat.) 13:00-17:00 Location: Univ. of Tokyo Hongo Campus Faculty of Engineering the 2nd bldg. 3F Room #233 09:30 - 10:00 REGISTRATION 10:00 - 10:10 WELCOME (Y. Nakamura and F.C. Park) 10:10 - 10:30 Markerless Motion Capturing using Depth cameras for Motion Analysis and Muscle Tension Estimation Presenter:Taku Kashiwagi, U-Tokyo 10:30 - 10:50 Concept Acquisition for Robot by Extracting Latent Structure between Motion and Language Presenter:Seiya Hamano, U-Tokyo 10:50 - 11:10 Database for Recognition and Prediction of Driving Behavior Based on Stochastic Classification Presenter:Jun Hashimoto, U-Tokyo 11:10 - 11:30 Machine Learning Algorithms for Transformation-Invariant Object Recognition Presenter:Yungkyun Noh, SNU 11:30 - 11:50 Tangent Bundle RRT: A Randomized Algorithm for Constrained Robot Motion Planning Presenter:Beobkyoon Kim, SNU 11:50 - 12:10 Geometric Optimization and Clustering Algorithms for Medical Imaging Problems Presenter:Minyeon Han, SNU 12:10 - 13:00 LUNCH 13:00 - 13:20 Control of Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators Based on Singular Perturbation Method and Passivity Presenter:Hirokazu Tanaka, U-Tokyo 13:20 - 13:40 Design and Control of Force-Sensitive Joint Mechanism with Torque Encoder Presenter:Kohei Odanaka, U-Tokyo 13:40 - 14:00 Exploiting Compliance for Extreme Robot Motions: Case Studies from Sports Presenter:Jeongseok Lee, SNU 14:00 - 14:20 Robot Motion Optimization via Dimension Reduction Presenter:Hyuk Kang, SNU 14:20 - 14:40 Design and Control of Personal Mobility with Spherical Wheels Composed of Serial Kinematic Chain Presenter:Sungsuk Ok, U-Tokyo 14:40 - 15:00 Dynamically Stable Mobile Manipulation via Invariance Control Presenter:Sohee Lee, SNU 15:00 - 17:00 LAB TOURS (Cyber Behavior Studio (1F), Lab (8F), Eng.2 Build.) AND POSTERS (Meeting Room 31A (3F), Eng. 2 Build.) List Of Posters P1 Vector Field RRT: Introducing Optimization into Randomized Motion Planning Presenter:Inyoung Ko, SNU P2 The effect of Muscle Models on Whole-Body Optimization" Presenter:Hyungan Oh, SNU P3 Efficient and Reliable Algorithms for Sports Motion Optimization Presenter:Minkyu Kim and Jisoo Hong, SNU P4 Halteres: Long Jumping during the Ancient Olympics Presenter:Kibum Suh, SNU P5 Reconciling the Equilibrium Point Hypothesis with Minimum Variance Control: Towards a Unifying Principle of Human Motor Control Presenter:Donghyun Kim, SNU P6 Grasp Synthesis via Machine Learning Presenter:Byungchul An, SNU P7 A Stochastic Framework for Activity Recognition Presenter:Alchan Yoon, SNU P8 Harmonic Map based Nonlinear Manifold Learning Presenter:Junhyung Ha, SNU P9 Sampling-based Motion Planning on Disjointed Manifolds: Manipulation under Task and Obstacle Constraints Presenter:Jinkyu Kim, SNU P10 Development of Screw Pumps for Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators of Humanoid Robots Presenter:Kazuki Yasuda, U-Tokyo P11 Energy Accumulator in Electro-Hydrostatic Drive Mechanism for Humanoid Robots Presenter:Yuuta Andoh, U-Tokyo P12 Bi-Articular Electro-Hydrostatic Drive Mechanism for Lower Limbs of Humanoid Robots Presenter:Satoshi Otsuki, U-Tokyo P13 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion Using Image Moments from Single Viewpoint Video Presenter:Yuuta Nakagawa, U-Tokyo P14 Realtime Human Motion Recognition Using Unsupervised HMM Binary-Tree and Supervised SVM Presenter:Keisuke Umesawa, U-Tokyo P15 Understanding Human Behavior from Correlation of Motion and Object Presenter:Akira Kako, U-Tokyo P16 RRT Motion Planning of Humanoid Robots Biased by Hidden Markov Model Presenter:Toshio Moriya, U-Tokyo P17 Muscle Force/Deformation Analysis Based on Whole-Body Inverse Dynamics and Muscle Finite Element Models Presenter:Kensho Hirasawa, U-Tokyo 18:00 - 21:00 BANQUET and the 11th YNOYT Lab Reunion Cost: 6000 yen/participant, 4000 yen/accompanied person Location: Brasserie Paul Bocuse le Musee, Roppongi, Tokyo Contact
Yoshihiko Nakamura, nakamura@ynl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Location: Department of Mechano-Informatics, University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 Phone: 03-5841-6379 (office) Mobile (Nakamura) : 080-4175-9697 Arrangement of accounts for alumni and alumnae
Dear alumni & alumnae, At present, we are planning to tidy accounts that alumni and alumnae used. Following is keynote: 1. As a general rule, all the accounts and e-mails that alumni and alumnae used are removed. 2. If you would like us to preserve e-mails or accounts, please send us e-mail to admin@(ynl domain) until 30th November. 3. We can configure as e-mails that are sent to your account are forwarded to a e-mail address even though your account is removed. If you want us to configure that setup, please send us e-mail to admin@(ynl domain) until 30th November. 4. Until one year passes since you graduated, we preserve your e-mails and account. After that, we will remove those. Sincerely yours, Administrator |