Invited/Keynote/Plenary Talks

(2006-2012, 2018-2022)

[1]          [INVITED] 2006.1.13, Symosium on Motion Capture and Embodied Motion Processing, Ritsumeikan University 21st Century COE Project, Kyoto, Special Lecture. (in Japanese)

[2]          [INVITED] 2006.3.11-12, CANVAS Children’s Digital Contents Festival CANVAS, Tokyo, Demonstration. (in Japanese)

[3]          [INVITED] 2006.5.3-5, Robot Week Nagasaki Science Museum, Nagasaki, Special Lecture, Demonstration. (in Japanese)

[4]          [INVITED] 2006.5.15, ICRA2006 Workshop: Understanding Humanoid Robots, IEEE RAS, Orlando, Florida, Invited Talk.

[5]          [INVITED] 2006.5.31, The Third Conference on Artificial Muscles Collaboration with Nanotechnology and Biology, The 21st Century COE Program, Hokkaido University Research Institute for Cell Engineering, AIST, Tokyo, Invited Speech. (in Japanese)

[6]          [INVITED] 2006.6.26, Bio Nano Robot Seminar Series, The CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, Tokyo, Seminar.

[7]          [INVITED] 2006.7.7, International Symposium on Experiments Robotics 2006, IFRR, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Panelist.

[8]          [PLENARY] 2006.7.21, The 3rd Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, IFAC, Nagoya, Plenary Talk.

[9]          [KEYNOTE] 2006.8.11, First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, IEEE Sri Lanka Section, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Keynote Talk.

[10]        [INVITED] 2006.8.18, Robotics: Science and Systems 2006, IEEE Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Invited Talk.

[11]        [PLENARY] 2006.9.8, The 8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO 2006) IFAC Bologna, Italy, Plenary Talk.

[12]        [INVITED] 2006.9.28, Brain-Inspired Information Technology 2006, The 21st Century COE Program, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Invited Talk. (in Japanese)

[13]        [PLENARY] 2006.10.17, The 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2006), Korea Robotics Society, Seoul, Korea Plenary Talk.

[14]        [INVITED] 2006.10.21 The 105th Public Lecture of University of Tokyo、University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Lecture. (in Japanese)

[15]        [INVITED] 2006.12.1, Learning: 2006 KAST International Symposium Korea Academy of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, Invited Talk.

[16]        [INVITED] 2006.12.26, Intelligent Vehicle Forum at Nissan Oppama Plant Nissan Motors, Yokohama, Seminar. (in Japanese)

[17]        [INVITED] 2007.2.28, Joint Robot Laboratory, LAAS, Toulouse, France, Invited Seminar.

[18]        [PLENARY] 2007.3.9, Micro Nano Science COE in Ritsumeikan University, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Siga, Japan, Plenary Talk. (in Japanese)

[19]        [INVITED] 2007.3.14, Innovation, Minimal Invasive Surgery for the Elderly – towards robot assisted surgery and simulator Training, BioFocus Foundation, The Nobel Forum, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden , Invited Seminar.

[20]        [INVITED] 2007.3.27, Nissan Motors Oppama Kanagawa, Japan, Project Summary. (in Japanese)

[21]        [INVITED] 2007.6.26, Special Seminar, University Technology Petronas University Technology Petronas, Tronoh, Malaysia, Invited Seminar.

[22]        [INVITED] 2007.6.28, PETRONAS Seminar on Challenges and Opportunities in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries, University Technology Petronas Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Invited Seminar.

[23]        [INVITED] 2007.10.18, Digital Human Consortium, Digital Human Lab, AIST, Tokyo, Japan, Invited Seminar. (in Japanese)

[24]        [INVITED] 2007.11.28, International Symposium of Robotics Research, Hiroshima Prince Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan, Invited Talk.

[25]        [INVITED] 2007.12.18, Micro-Nano System Research Committee, Society of Precision Engineering, Tokyo Institute of technology, Yokohama, Japan, Invited Talk. (in Japanese)

[26]        [INVITED] 2008.2.20, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy, Invited Talk.

[27]        [INVITED] 2008.2.21, University of Rome, La Sapienza, University of Rome, Roma, Italy, Invited Talk.

[28]        [INVITED] 2008.3.9-15, ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference on Robotics Shonan International Village, Shonan, Kanagawa, Organizer, Invited Talk.

[29]        [INVITED] 2008.10.28-29, First France-Japan Research Workshop on Human- Robot Interaction, Tohoku University, Sendai, Invited Talk.

[30]        [PLENARY] 2008.11.4, First International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR-2008), Venice, Italy, Plenary.

[31]        [PLENARY] 2008.10.22, 2nd IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Plenary.

[32]        [INVITED] 2008.11.07, University of Goettingen, Prof. Florentin Woergoetter, Gottingen, Germany, Seminar.

[33]        [INVITED] 2008.6.4, NAC Fair Seminar: “Science, Informatics, and Robots” Akibahara, Tokyo, Invited Talk. (in Japanese)

[34]        [INVITED] 2008.9.30, Humanoid Robots: State of the Art from Real Platforms, Toulouse, France, Invited Talk.

[35]        [INVITED] 2009.3.16, Robotics Symposia: Organized Session “Dynamics Theory Opens Door to Robot Intelligence,” Noboribetsu, Japan, Invited Talk. (in Japanese)

[36]        [INVITED] 2009.5.12, IEEE ICRA Workshop on Stochasticity in Robotics and Biological Systems, Kobe, Japan, Invited Talk.

[37]        [PLENARY] 2009.06.21, International Society for Posture and Gait Research, XIX Biennial Meeting “Modeling and Analysis of Human Behavior from Robotics”, Bologna, Italy, Plenary.

[38]        [KEYNOTE] 2009.10.11, IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop, Biologically-Inspired Robots, “Many Pathways Between Biology and Robotics”, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Keynote.

[39]        [INVITED] 2009.10.29, IARP Workshop on Service Robotics and Nanorobotics, “Electro-Hydrostatic Transmission for Backdrivable Robotic Actuators”, Beijing, China, Invited Talk.

[40]        [INVITED] 2009.11.12, Invited Professor Chair, College de France, “Contemporary Study in Humanoid Robotics”, Paris, France Series Lecture (4 lectures).

[41]        [KEYNOTE] 2009.12.10, IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots, “Neuromusculoskeletal Human Modeling from Robotic Optimization and Algorithms”, Paris, France, Keynote.

[42]        [INVITED] 2009.12.22, LAAS, “Recent Studies of Human Modeling at University of Tokyo”, Toulouse, France, Seminar.

[43]        [INVITED] 2010.2.22, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Invited Seminar.

[44]        [PLENARY] 2010.5.4, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Plenary.

[45]        [PLENARY] 2010.7.15, 3DMA-10, San Francisco, CA, USA, Plenary.

[46]        [PLENARY] 2010.12.14, 9th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR 2010), Singapore, Plenary.

[47]        [INVITED] 2010.9.30, French-Japan Meeting on Technologies for Helping People with Physical Disabilities, Tokyo, Invited Talk.

[48]        [INVITED] 2010.10.6, DFG Workshop on “Linking Neuroscience to Robotics: How complex machines benefit from brain theory”, Tokyo, Invited Talk.

[49]        [INVITED] 2010.12.10, Workshop: Humanoids: What next? Applications, Challenges, and Perspectives, IEEE Humanoids 2010, Nashville, TN, USA, Invited Talk.

[50]        [PLENARY] 2011.1.22, 骨関節疾患シンポジウム, アクロス福岡, 福岡市, Plenary.
Symposium on Skelton and Joint Disorders, Fukuoka (in Japanese)

[51]        [INVITED] 2011.7.3, 東京大学工学部サイエンスカフェ, “合気道×力学,” 東京, Invited Talk.
Science Café at Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, “Aikido×Dynamics,” Tokyo (in Japanese)

[52]        [INVITED] 2011.5.2, 対災害ロボティクスタスクフォース公開シンポジウム, “震災復興にむけて ロボット技術のいま”, 東京大学弥生講堂, Organizing Talk.
Open Symposium of Disaster-Response Robotics Taskforce, “Where robotics technology is at present: toward recovery from the disaster,” Yayoi Auditorium, University of Tojyo (in Japanese)

[53]        [INVITED] 2011.5.11, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA Special Forum: Preliminary Report on the Disaster and Robotics in Japan, Shanghai, China, Organizing Talk.

[54]        [INVITED] 2011.6.6, IUTAM Symposium on Human Body Dynamics: From Multibody Systems to Biomechanics, “Musculoskeletal Morphing from Human to Mouse”, Waterloo, Canada, Invited Talk.

[55]        [INVITED] 2011.6.22, 8th Progress in Motor Control meeting (PMC VIII) , “A Mathematical Approach from Motion Analysis to Spinal Reflex Modeling”, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Invited Talk.

[56]        [INVITED] 2011.8.30, 15th International Symposium of Robotics Research, Beyond Robotics Session, “Computational Human Model as Robot Technology”, Flagship, AZ, USA, Invited Talk.

[57]        [INVITED] 2011.9.27, IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2011), Beyond the Horizon, “Robots prototype humans” San Francisco, CA, USA, Invited Talk.

[58]        [INVITED] 2011.5.13, ICRA2011 Workshop on Towards Autonomous Physical Human-Robot Interaction, “Toward Actuator Innovation for Physical Human-Robot Interaction”, Shanghai, China, Invited Talk.

[59]        [INVITED] 2011.10.10, JST-NSF Workshop on Cognitive Robotics, “GPGPU-Based Computation of Human Modes for Cognitive Robotics,” Los Angeles, CA, USA, Invited Talk.

[60]        [PLENARY] 2011.10.22, 長崎市科学館, 青少年のための科学の祭典2011, ”知能を持つヒューマノイドロボット“, 長崎市, Plenary Talk.
“Humanoid Robots with Intelligence,” Science Festival for the Youth 2011, Nagasaki City Science Museum (in Japanese)

[61]        [PLENARY] 2011.11.18, 日本臨床バイオメカ二クス学会, “全身の筋骨格モデルとその計算方法”, 神戸市, Plenary Talk.
Japan Society of Crinical Biomechanics ,“The Whole-Body Musculoskeletal Model and its Computational Methods,” Kobe (in Japanese)

[62]        [INVITED] 2011.12.6-7, 九州大学, 航空宇宙工学専攻修士課程, 誘導制御特別講義, “ヒューマノイドロボット学”, 博多市, Lecture.
“Humanoid Robotics,” Special Lecture on Guidance and Control, Master Course, Department of Aeronotics and Astronotics, Kyushu University (in Japanese)

[63]        [INVITED] 2012.02.20, 三菱電機講演会, “Humanoid Robotics: Modeling Human Motion and Behavior and its Application”, 兵庫県尼崎市, Seminar.
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Leture, “Humanoid Robotics: Modeling Human Motion and Behavior and its Application,” Amagasaki, Hyogo (in Japanese).

[64]        [INVITED] 2012.04.24, BioVision Alexandria 2012, Bibliotheca Alexandria, “Humanoid and Human Modeling”, Alexandria, Egypt, Invited Talk.

[65]        [INVITED] 2012.05.18, Symposium on Robotic Solutions Toward Nuclear Decommission, IEEE ICRA2012, “Preliminary Invitation to a New TC, Pannel Discussion”, St. Paul, MN, USA, Organizing Talk.

[66]        [INVITED] 2012.06.08, Seminari del Centro Piaggio, “Anatomical and Behavioral Modeling of Human as Robotic Technologies”, Pisa, Italy, Seminar.

[67]        [INVITED] 2012.06.13, Robotics: Science and Technology, College de France, “Robotics Technology and Human Science”, Paris, France, Invited Talk.

[68]        [INVITED] 2012.07.15, International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, China (CCMMS) 2012, “Neuro Musculoskeletal Modeling of Human From Robotics”, Huangsha, China, Invited Talk.

[69]        [INVITED] 2012.09.17, 日本ロボット学会パネル討論会原子力ロボット技術と可能性、日本ロボット学会, “学術的視点からの提言”, 札幌, 北海道, Invited Talk.
Pannel Discussion on Technology and Provision of Nuclear Robots, Robotics Society of Japan, “A Proposal from the Academic Point of View,” Sapporo, Hokaido (in Japanese)

[70]        [INVITED] 2012.10.04, CoTeSys/CREATE WORKSHOP, Munich, Germany, “Actuator Challenge for Force Sensitive Robots”, Munich, Germany, Invited Talk.

[71]        [INVITED] 2012.10.12, IEEE IROS Workshop on Learning and Interaction in Haptic Robots, “Development of Actuators Toward Interaction by Force Sensitive Robots”, Vilamoura, Portugal, Invited Talk.

[72]        [INVITED] 2018.12.22, “Methods, Data, and Value of Human Motion Analysis”, 理研・産総研クリスマスミーティング, 柏市.
“Methods, Data, and Value of Human Motion Analysis”, RIKEN・AIST Christmas Meeting, Kashiwa, Chiba (in Japanese).

[73]        [KEYNOTE] 2018.12.13, “Methods, Data, and Value of Human Motion Analysis”, Robio2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

[74]        [KEYNOTE] 2018.11.21, “Mocap as a Service: Video Motion Capture Makes Human Motion Analysis for Everyone”, A2IC, Barcelona, Spain.

[75]        [INVITED] 2018.11.19, “Mocap as a Serviceモーションデータがつくるスポーツ・健康 社会”, データ利活用のための政策と戦略, 東京大学, 東京.
“Mocap as a Service: Sports and Social Healthcare from Motion Data,” Policy and Strategy of Data Utilization, University of Tokyo (in Japanese)

[76]        [KEYNOTE] 2018.11.06, “Mocap as a Service: a humanoid robotics spin-off”, International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

[77]        [INVITED] 2018.11.05, “Sports and Robots”, Outreach Workshop, International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

[78]        [INVITED] 2018.10.26, “Mocap as a Service: a humanoid robotics spin-off”, Opening Symposium, TUM Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Munich, Germany.

[79]        [INVITED] 2018.10.02, “Sports and Humanity”, Forum, IEEE-RSJ International Symposium on Robots and Intelligent Systems, Madrid, Spain.

[80]        [INVITED]  2018.09.05, “ビデオモーキャップが開くスポーツデータ社会”, 第1回データ利活用研究コミュニティ・ワークショップ, 東京.
“Sports Data Society from Video Motion Capture Technology,” The First Workshop of Data Utilization Research Community, Tokyo (in Japanese)

[81]        [INVITED]  2018.08.01, “Vmocap: リアルタイム・ビデオ・モーションキャプチャと動作解析”, デジタルヒューマン技術協議会, 台場, 東京.
“Realtime Video-Motion-Capture and Motion Analysis,” Digital Human Technology Consotium, Daiba, Tokyo (in Japanese)

[82]        [INVITED] 2018.06.25, “Computation of               Neuro Musculoskeletal Human Model”, Robotics: Science and Systems, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Pioneer Talk.

[83]        [INVITED] 2018.06.07, “Human-Robot Interaction and Degree of Autonomy, Expert Meeting, ICRC, Geneva, Swiss.

[84]        [INVITED] 2018.06.06, “Computation of               Neuro Musculoskeletal Human Model”, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

[85]        [INVITED] 2018.05.21, “Models of Musculoskeletal Systems”, Workshop on Grand Scientific Challenges for the Robot Companion of the Future, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane, Australia.

[86]        [INVITED] 2018.05.16, “ビデオモーキャップによる運動解析”, 大学スポーツの未来,東京大学伊東国際学術研究センター, 東京大学, 東京.
“Motion Analysis by Video-Motion-Capture,” The Future of University Sports, Ito International Academic Research Center, University of Tokyo (in Japanese)

[87]        [INVITED] 2018.04.03, Ethics and autonomous weapon systems: An ethical basis for human control?, ICRC, Geneva, Swiss. Panel Discussion.

[88]        [INVITED] 2018.04.19, “Performance Analysis of Athletes Using Neuro musculoskeletal Human Model”, 4th Neurorobotics Workshop, Odaiba, Tokyo.

[89]        [INVITED] 2018.03.05, “生物の力学的戦略:人体の複雑性に宿る知能の単純性”, 日本学術会議応用力学シンポジウム, 東京.
“Dynamical Strategy of Life: Simplicity of Intelligence in Complexity of Human Body,” Applied Dynamics Symposium of the Science Council of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)

[90]        [INVITED] 2018.02.16, “Robotic computation of language and action for machine intelligence of human behavior”, UTokyo-TUM Workshop, University of Tokyo, Tokyo.

[91]        [INVITED] 2018.01.08, “Robotic computation of language and action for machine intelligence of human behavior”, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.

[92]        [INVITED] 2019.10.24, “人の運動のデータサイエンスに向けて”, 新しい運動機能研究会, 日立中央研究所, 国分寺.
“Toward Data Science of Human Motion,” Workshop on New Motion Functions, Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Kokubunji, Tokyo (in Japanese)

[93]        [INVITED] 2019.10.16, “ロボティクスとAIが開くスポーツ・バイオメカニクスの最先端”, グレータ東大塾, UTSSI, 東京大学, 東京.
“Cutting Edge of Sports Biomechanics based on Robotics and AI,” The Greater School of Todai, UTSSI, University of Tokyo (in Japanese).

[94]        [KEYNOTE] 2019.10.09, “Human Motion Innovation from Modeling and Computation in Robotics”, International Symposium of Robotics Research 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.

[95]        [INVITED] 2019.09.07, “More black than grey: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems”,ジュネーブ諸条約70周年記念 国際人道法シンポジウム 国際人道法の挑戦,パネルディスカッション:自律型兵器システムに対する人間の関与の在り方, 駒場, 東京大学, 東京.
“More black than grey: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems”, Geneva Treaties 70th Anniversary, International Humanitarial Law Symposium, Pannel Discussion: Challenge of International Humanitarian Law: The Way that Human Intervention should be in Autonomous Weapon Systems, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo.

[96]        [INVITED] 2019.07.01, “Let me think about the gap between IFToMM globalism and the others”, 50th Anniversary Session, IFToMM World Congress, Krakow, Poland.

[96]        [INVITED] 2019.06.12, “Analysis and Understanding of Human Motion from Mocap and Robotics”, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China.

[97]        [KEYNOTE] 2019.05.22, “Mocap as a Service”, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, Canada, Keynote.

[98]        [INVITED] 2019.05.11, “ヒューマノイドロボティクスは人間の情報を扱うテクノロジーです”, 杉江俊治教授退職記念講演会, 京都.
“Humanoid Robotics is the Technology that Deals with Human Information,” Memorial Symposiun of Prof. Toshiharu Sugie’s Retirement, Kyoto (in Japanese)

[99]        [INVITED] 2019.04.24, “Mocap as a Service”, AI-SUMMIT, 丸ビル, 東京.
“Mocap as a Service”, AI-SUMMIT, Marubiru, Tokyo (in Japanese).

[100]      [INVITED] 2019.03.28, “AIとロボティクスの進化からスポーツ健康社会へ”, 日経社会イノベーションフォーラム, 丸ビル, 東京.
“From Evolution of AI and Robotics to Spots and Healthcare in Society,” Nikkei Social Innovatin Forum, Marubiru, Tokyo (in Japanese)

[101]      [INVITED] 2019.02.27, “Mocap as a Service スポーツ健康社会に向けて”, 自民党スポーツ立国調査会スポーツビジネス小委員会 第20回, 自民党本部, 東京.
“Mocap as a Service: Toward Sports and Healthcare in Society,” the 20th Suports Business Sub-Committee Meeting, DLP Board of National Commitment to Sports, Headquater of the Liberl Democratic Party in Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)

[102]      [INVITED] 2019.01.11, “Human Dignity, Robots, AI and Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems”, Launch of the Humanitarian Policy and Technology Platform, ICRC, IIT, Delhi, India.

[103]      [PLENARY] 2020.06.28, “During the Voyages of H.M.S. Beagle Round the Robotics,” 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会,  富山(オンライン).

[104]      [INVITED] 2020.09.15, “ヒューマンモーション・データサイエンス,” 日本学術会議公開シンポジウム「こころ・からだ・細胞を運動でつなぐアプローチ」(オンライン).

[105]      [INVITED] 2020.05.03, “ヒューマンモーション・データサイエンスに向けて,” 全日本テコンドー協会(オンライン).

[106]      [INVITED] 2020.10.06, “VMocapとバイオメカニクスが開く科学的トレーニング,” スポーツビジネスジャパン2020(オンライン)

[107]      [INVITED] 2020.11.05, “What we talk when we talk about society and robots,” IFRR Colloquium Society and Robots, International Fundation of Robotics Research, (online).

[108]      [INVITED] 2021.02.01, “Robotics and Human-Motion Data Science,” 2nd Japan-Mexco Colloquium on Mexican and Japanese Studies, UTokyo Latin American and Iberian Network for Academic Colleboration, (online).

[109]      [INVITED] 2021.04.16, “Personal Digital-Twin and Data Science,” 理研セミナー(オンライン).

[110]      [INVITED] 2021.06.11, “Personal Digital Twin and Human Motion Data Science,” Automatica 2021, munic_i Hightech Summit, (online).

[111]      [INVITED] 2021.06.26, Pnnelist, IFRR Colloquium Fundamental Challenges in Robotics, International Fundation of Robotics Research, (online).

[112]      [PLENARY] 2021.09.09, “運動における冗長性と最適化,” Motor Control 15(オンライン).

[113]      [KEYNOTE] 2021.10.06, “Personal Digital-Twin and Data Science,” The Human in the Center of learning Systems, KIT Science Week 2021, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (online)

[114]      [PLENARY] 2021.11.13, “ ヒューマンデジタルツインとデータサイエンスのある生活(Introduction to Human Digital-Twin and Data Science),” 日本IFToMM会議学術講演会(オンライン).

[115]      [INVITED] 2022.05.18 “Digital Human Twin and Data Science,” In Prof. Kimitaka Nakazawa’s Seminar of Whole University Seminar Series in Liberal Arts School, University of Tokyo(東京大学駒場全学ゼミ 中澤公孝教授).

[116]  [AWARD LECTURE] 2022.05.25 “Digital Twin of Human Motion (人間の運動のデジタルツイン),” Tateisi Prize Achievement Award, Kyoto International Conference Center.

[117]      [PLENARY] 2022.05.30 “Toward Human-Motion Data Science,” IEEE Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts 2022, Long Beach, CA, USA.

[118]      [INVITED」2022.07.02 “人間の運動のデジタルツインについて(On Digital Twin of Human Motion,” 日本機械学会SHD部門  体操競技のダイナミクス解析および指導方法に関する研究会 (JSME SHD division, Symposium on Dynamics Analysis and Training of Artistic Gymnastics).

[119]      [INVITED] 2022.07.06 “Mocap and Human Digital Twin,” SONY Corporation.

[120]      [INVITED] 2022.07.29 “Digital Transformation of Stadiums and Arenas by VMocap (VMocapによるスタジアム/アリーナDX~動作解析技術の最前線~),” SPORTEC2022, Bigsite, Tokyo.

[121]      [INVITED] 2022.08.14 “Human Movements and Data Science,” Gordon Research Conference on Robotics, From Basic Science to Robot Systems, Ventura, CA, USA.