
English announcement here.


日程:2023年3月4日(土) 9:30-16:30(予定)



京都大学で学位を取得し、京都大学で助手、カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校で助教授、准教授を歴任した後、1991年4月から2020年3月まで東京大学工学部(機械情報工学科)、工学系研究科(機械情報工学専攻)、情報理工学系研究科(知能機械情報学専攻)において教鞭をとってこられ、この間、リンク系の運動学・動力学・制御理論を中心として、機械・人間を含む幅広いテーマに意欲的に取り組み、研究室からは25名の博士をはじめとした数多くの研究者を輩出してきました。この度、先生が育まれてきた研究室とは何だったのか、先生の研究の足跡(\(X_0\))を振り返るとともに、研究室を巣立っていった研究者はどこへ向かっていくのか(\(X_i \))を考える機会を改めて持とうと考え、シンポジウムを開催することといたしました。


委員長  鈴木高宏・特任教授 東北大学未来科学技術共同研究センター
幹事   山本 江・准教授  東京大学大学院 情報理工学系研究科知能機械情報学専攻



(英語会議名:Chronicle of Robotics Research in Y.Nakamura Laboratory)

日程:2023年3月4日(土) 9:30-16:30(予定)
Session \(X_0\)  中村仁彦先生の講演(予定)
Session \(X_i (i \in \mathbb{N})\) 中村研究室出身の研究者・中村研究室ゆかりの研究者らによる研究に関するセッション
\(\lambda^{\mathrm{(1)}}\) “Motion”
\(\lambda^{\mathrm{(2)}}\) “Machine”
\(\lambda^{\mathrm{(3)}}\) “Man”






Announcement of Symposium: Chronicle of Robotics Research in Y. Nakamura Laboratory

On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite you to the
symposium “Chronicle of Robotics Research in Yoshihiko Nakamura
Laboratory” on Saturday, March 4 (JST). Both in-person (Tokyo) and
online attendance options are available. This event is organized in
lieu of the International Robotics Workshop commemorating Prof.
Nakamura’s retirement from University of Tokyo, which was originally
planned for March 2020 but had been postponed indefinitely due to the

Professor Yoshihiko Nakamura is known for his contributions to
robotics, biomechanics, and brain information processing. While he
retired from professorship three years ago, he remains active as a
Senior Researcher at the Human-Motion Data Science Laboratory,
University of Tokyo.

Prof. Nakamura joined the Department of Mechano-Informatics,
University of Tokyo in April 1991 after obtaining his PhD from Kyoto
University and holding faculty positions at his alma mater and
University of California Santa Barbara. Throughout his career, he
worked in diverse areas related to machines and humans based on
dynamics and nonlinear control while supervising a number of
undergraduate and graduate students including 25 PhDs.

This symposium aims at providing a comprehensive chronicle of his
lab’s impact on the broader research community through the path of his
own research (X_0) as well as the paths former lab members have taken
in their career (X_i).

Advance registration (free) is required for both in-person and online
attendance. For details, please refer to the information below and
this website .

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. Yoshihiko Nakamura Symposium Organizing Committee
Chair: Prof. Takahiro Suzuki (Tohoku University)
Secretary: Prof. Ko Yamamoto (University of Tokyo)

Symposium: Chronicle of Robotics Research in Y. Nakamura Laboratory

Saturday March 4, 2023
9:30am – 4:30pm JST (GMT+9) (tentative)

– In-person: Ichijyo Hall, Yayoi Campus, the University of Tokyo
– Online: streaming URL provided upon registration

– Session X_0: Keynote by Prof. Nakamura
– Session X_i (i in N): Talks by researchers with connection to Nakamura Lab
Session1 Motion
Session2 Machine
Session3 Man
Detailed program and speakers list pages are updated.

Talks in Japanese or English with all slides in English

In-person: https://roboticsynl.com/ynl_symposium/index.php/registration/
Online: https://roboticsynl.com/ynl_symposium/index.php/online-registration
